I cannot tell you how happy I am to find the Face Yoga program. I cannot help myself but move my face muscles whenever I have a chance.

I’m not afraid of getting older, and in fact, I am so looking forward to see my changes as I age.
— Nagisa (37 years old)


  1. When should I practice Face Yoga? Ideally twice a day: first thing in the morning and right before going to bed. Doing the poses in the morning, wakes up the muscles and makes you more aware of facial movements throughout the day. Most of us develop unfavorable muscle practices, i.e. frowning. Practicing in the morning can help break those bad facial habits. Practicing before bed helps reset the muscles you used during the day and to relax not only the face muscles but the mind, too, resulting in a nice, peaceful sleep. If you find it hard to practice the poses in the morning, practice throughout the day. You can practice while you are cooking, watching TV and even in the shower! try to make it a daily habit.

  2. How often do I have to practice Face Yoga before I see results? Some people see results right away, even after just one practice! After two weeks of practice, most people will see results. Please note that measuring facial changes is very different for measuring body changes, the latter of which are easy to track with a scale and other measuring devices. Results on the face are much subtler and appear slowly over time. For this reason, I highly recommend taking Before and After photos to keep yourself motivated. An inspiring story: a face yoga student Heather, practiced some Face Yoga poses during her morning car commute. After six weeks, she met up with a friend, who she hadn’t seen in almost two years. The friend told Heather, that she looked younger than she had two years before and wanted to know what she did to get her results. The secret is FACE YOGA. yay!!!

  3. Do I have to do ask the poses every day? No you don’t. Make sure to practice at least five minutes per day, focusing on the areas you want to improve. If you have a specific concern, you can practice poses for that problem area. For the best results, do a little bit of practice every day instead of a long practice once awhile. In the same way that you wouldn’t exercise for five hours on Sunday and forget about the rest of the week, it’s better to do a little bit of Face Yoga every day. Warning: once you form the habit of practicing, your face may feel strange if you don’t do it daily! Kind of like how not brushing your teeth would feel weird.

  4. What if I can’t move my face muscles? Practice, practice, practice! Practice makes perfect. Remember the first time you rode a bike without the training wheels? It probably felt a little scary and unstable, butane you learned the feel of it, it was for life. The same concept applies to your facial muscles. If you’re not used to moving your facial muscles it may take some time to get comfortable with the movements and that is okay. In fact, as an example, when japanese speaker use fewer face muscles. As a result, Japanese people often have a harder time moving their facial muscles as compared with English speakers. But once Japanese people exercise these new facial muscles, they get great results too! Trying to move certain muscles is great exercise for the brain, too.

  5. Will I get wrinkles by practicing Face Yoga? No some people think that moving dace muscles will cause more wrinkles- but while problematic repetitive movements cause unwanted wrinkle, moving the face the right way can prevent and even reduce them. For example, 10 years ago, I developed a very noticeable forehead line right above my right eyebrow due to my habit of moving my right eyebrow whenever I was talking. But after a few months of practicing Face Yoga, the line is gone! since Face Yoga helps your face muscles relax, you may notice that your entire face is relaxed after the practice. Stress causes more wrinkles that you think. Also, since each pose doesn’t take more that a minute and is very specific, it would be difficult to make more wrinkles practicing Face Yoga. To make sure you’re using the right muscles and moving them correctly, practice the poses i front of a mirror until you are confident.

  6. I like certain Face Yoga poses but not others. Do I have to practice all the poses? It’s not necessary to practice every single pose to get results. Practice poses related to the areas with which you’re most concerned. However, just like with exercises for the body, a total facial workout will give you overall better results, so I encourage you practice a variety of Face Yoga poses. Think about it: when you want to get a flat stomach, sit-ups are a great exercise… but not enough alone to get the results you want. You also need cardio, total body work out, etc. If there are certain poses you don’t like, those just may be the poses you need to practice more in order to get the results you’re looking for.

  7. My face feels strange after practicing Face Yoga. Is that normal? It’s absolutely normal! in fact, it means you’re moving facial muscles you’re not used to moving- which is a good thing. Imagine playing a new sport for the first time. How would your body feel? Probably challenged and very different than usual, because the body and brain would be getting a new kind of stimulation. If you ever feel too much pain or an intense sensation when practicing, take it easy and gradually increase the resistance or frequency of the exercise over time.

  8. My family members have double chins. It’s genetic. Can I still get results on my chin by practicing the Face Yoga poses? Yes, definitely! Your parents’ faces can be great indicators of your future face, so study how your parents look and work now on any areas you want to change. Since this way you’ll be more aware of your possible future problem areas, you can prevent problems before they manifest on your face. Just make sure you keep up your motivation to practice Face Yoga- your future you won’t regret it!

  9. How long do I have to hold each pose? Each pose description prescribes this. some poses take three breaths and others may be longer or shorter. Unless otherwise noted, hold up to five breaths.

  10. I have a face-lift and/or I got Botox. Can I still practice Face Yoga? Yes. One of the beauties of Face Yoga is that it can be practiced and combined with other face treatments. However, since Botox suppresses facial muscle movements, it can be hard to move the proper muscles during the face Yoga if you’ve recently gotten Botox. Make sure when you practice to hydrate your face to avoid unnecessary damage to the skin. If you feel extreme discomfort, stop practicing and consult your doctor as to how to proceed.

  11. I know it’s important to drink a lot of water: 6-8 gasses every day for the skin but I don’t like drinking water that much. Especially before going to bed because I have to got to the bathroom often. What should I do? Try adding flavors to your water. This makes it easier to drink and you can be quite creative ( from cucumbers, cilantro to shop bought flavors). I love warm or hot water with a slice of lemon, or in the summer, cold water with cucumber slices. In terms of going to the bathroom too often, try the hot water before bedtime and see how it affects you. Also, try not to drink too much at once. Take sips throughout the day. Water is super critical. It flushes waste and toxins from the body, helping your skin get clear and hydrated. Hot water is even better for the skin. Imagine washing an oily dish with hot water- it removes oil form the dish easier that cold water. Same goes for your body.

  12. Is is better to do a few poses of Face Yoga every day or to practice all the poses every other day? Your success with Face Yoga depends on exercising daily. If you don’t use your face muscles, you lose them. It’s better to do a few poses every day rather than all the poses every once in awhile. Develop your own daily routine consisting of your favorite poses to stay consistent.

  13. I got great results right away when I started practicing The face yoga chick poses. Now, after three months, my changes are not obvious anymore. What should I do? This is a good indication that your face exercises are working. Just like wit body exercises, your muscles are getting toned. At this point, you can add in more challenge by holding the poses longer, increasing repetitions, adding poses to your practice or trying poses that are challenging for you. Often, the exercises that are the hardest for us are the ones our faces need the most.

  14. Do I have to keep practicing The face yoga chick method even after I get the results I want? Yes. Just like with the body, you need to continue practicing poses to keep the results you achieve. However, after you’ve been practicing for awhile, your face starts to “know” the movements, so it gets easier to perform them and you can practice anytime, anywhere, even while doing something else like driving (safely likewhen stuck in traffic for example) or cooking.

  15. I get some pain/discomfort when I so certain poses. What should I do? Listen to your body and face. You may need to slow down or perform less repetitions. Also, make sure you’re breathing deeply and focusing on the muscles you’re using to perform the poses while relaxing the rest. Often students tighten up their bodies, especially in the shoulder and forehead areas, while practicing. This negates the purpose of the practice. If you see your students looking too “intense” or their faces and /or bodies look too tightened up, ask the to come out of the pose and then lead them into it again. If the pain or discomfort persists, stop the pose and if needed, seek the opinion of a medical professional or specialist.