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It takes a lifetime to become young
— Pablo Picasso

Face Yoga at a glance

~Exercises structured to work the Face Muscles and maintain suppleness (skin)

and youthfulness (features/faceline).

~Tones and firms the skin for a natural and needle-free alternative to a facelift.

~If you have Botox/ Fillers you can still do face yoga. (Check with practitioner/surgeon/doctor)

~Immediately get’s your glow on.

~Corrects fascial asymmetry.

~It’s a lifestyle: Consistent practice- assures continued measurable results.

~Improves Mind-Body-Awareness.

~Can be practiced anywhere.

~Creates Well-Being, Muscle-Intelligence, Self-Realization and Empowerment.

Bottom line:

How you feel shows up on your face.

The Face Yoga Chick approach, includes Face Exercises, Acupressure Points, Lymphatic Massage, Body Postures for greater Alignment and Face Symmetry,Hypnotherapy (RTT) Inspirational-Thought Practice and Beauty Tips.

I’m Fierce about Feeling Good and help you Create Your Life at Face Value


I am a therapeutic Face Coach

certified Face Yoga Teacher/licensed Hypnotherapist (RTT)/ certified Life Coach

Specialized in facial harmony, integration of a practice that fits your lifestyle and tuning up of your mind patterns and beliefs that run contrary to your desires. My technique is rooted in Face Yoga/Facial Massage/Hypnotherapy/ Lifecaoching.

Together we create a facial regiment to relax, rejuvenate and create that glow that- leaving behind any thought pattern that are no longer valuable.

So you can- irisitably - fall in love with yourself over and over again.

That is my promise.



Private Classes: $100

1 hour group Masterclass: $15

30 min Bootcamp class: $10

Bundles available giving you the full bang for your buck!!

book your class and get your Glow on

Class Schedule

contact me for the weekly schedule.

New schedule comes out every Sunday


Getting Botox & Fillers? A Face lift?

No problem. But let me help you prep for this appointment, assist with face symmetry, correct some habits so the administrator of the injectables or plastic surgeon has the best possible canvas to work with.

And who knows you might just change your mind:)))

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The f.y.c- Toolbox

Excited to announce that the FACE YOGA CHICK Toolbox will be available Spring 2024. This will turn your practice into a personal wellness hub and keep your FIERCE MODE engaged


The Face Yoga Chick in the News:))!!!

by Beauty Editor:  Dana Corddry

by Beauty Editor: Dana Corddry





With over 46 poses, divided into different face areas, it is easy to find the right program for you. Lift, redefine, tone and reclaim your glow. Fierce! See how Face Yoga can improve circulation, skin tone and reduce signs of aging.


gravity YOga

FREE! Discovery ClassTargeted Flexibility Training (beginners welcome). Do you have locked up hips? Tight hamstrings? Stiff lower back? Gravity Yoga is a targeted mobility training method that works to open up your body. And does wonders for your face symmetry.

Privates, Classes, Workshops

Within the face yoga exercises we use several approaches, muscle exercises, reduction of tension, stretching and mind-body conncetion to naturally tighten, tone and brighten your face.

You can expect to see your skin looking plumber and firmer, and your outlook on aging positive and empowered.


The Fierce Blog

Our Blog roars with fierceness- and features some fun and formidable guest hosts from behind and in-front of the camera.

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Coming soon

Thought nuggets, set to music to calibrate, activate your day of feeling good.

Because what you think shows up on your face:)))